Types of Vibratory Tumblers

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There are several different types of vibratory tumblers. Some are used for small batches while others are designed for industrial use. Both types of tumblers use vibrations to break down materials. A small tumbler is more easy to clean than a larger tumbler. A large tumbler can take up to 18 pounds of rock and process pieces up to four inches in size.

Centrifugal Barrel Finishing Machine

Some tumblers use plastic pellets to absorb the impact of rocks. This helps reduce bruising and chipping of the stones. Plastic pellets can also be used as fillers. Plastic pellets can be recycled several times with the same grit size. These types of tumblers can also be used for polishing more delicate materials.

A vibratory tumbler should be filled approximately 7/8 of the way up. Most models have an exterior rotating movement. The speed of movement depends on how full the barrel is. As a result, most tumblers need to be filled pretty full to make them work properly. This will affect the amount of dust produced.

The type of stones that are polished will affect the time required to finish the process. Some rocks require longer tumble times while others take several days. For hard stones, the tumbler process can take two days.