How Do You Say Hi in Spanish?
If you’re wondering how to say hi in Spanish, you’re not alone. Millions of Spanish-speaking people speak the language. Learn how to say hello and other words in Spanish, and you’ll be well on your way to communicating with the rest of the world. It’s not hard to learn. All it takes is a few minutes a day to practice. To practice your Spanish, you can download an app such as Ling App or use a dedicated language-learning website.
“Como esta?” is another popular way to greet people in Spanish. It is similar to the English response “how are you?” and varies according to age, position, and status. “Como estas?” is the formal form, while “hola, que tal estas?” is an informal greeting for one person. Both forms work to greet someone, but if you’re meeting many people, you’ll want to use the informal version, “Como estas?”
If you’re teaching in Spanish, you’ll often have to greet large groups of people. For this, you’ll need to know how to say “hola a todos” (hello to everyone) and “buen dias.” While these aren’t as common as the English greeting, they are acceptable and can be used in many situations. This greeting can even be used as an informal goodbye when you’re not expecting to see someone again.
“Dos besos” is the basic greeting in Spanish. It means “two kisses.” Start by leaning toward the other person’s left side. That’s their right cheek. For other greetings, you can use a handshake or hug. If the other person is a family member, you can simply pat his back. But always remember that “dos besos” is a formal greeting for all other situations.